
For membership information, email

Members can join in on our Facebook page under groups...Gulf Coast Friends.  That way you can keep up-to-date with our organization by visiting it regularly.  If you are interested in joining Gulf Coast Friends, please email our First Vice President at the below email:



PRESIDENT: Teresa Marsh - Presides over all GCF meetings

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: Sue Perron - New member information and membership coordinator.  Stands in for president if president is not available. Prepares, prints and distributes the annual GCF directory. Maintains GCF roster.

SECOND VICE PRESIDENT:   Barbara Koncan - In charge of Ways & Means, devising ways and means of financing the club's activities and charitable interests.

TREASURER: Julie Anderson - Collects dues, receives fundraising funds and monies for luncheons, pays bills, etc.

SECRETARY: Margie Rivera - Prepares minutes of board and regular meetings.


“Sunshine Lady”:  Donna Wright - Contact to report severe health issues or deaths of members or their immediate family members.

Meeting Coordinator: Wil Raynor - Monthly Luncheon coordinator.

Charity Information: Dee Hulsebusch, coordinates the funds for charities.

Program Information: Lyn Robinson - Coordinates the monthly programs for GCF.

Publicity: Theresa Espeth- Contacts the media and does publicity for GCF.

Newsletter Editor: Pam Davey- Prepares and distributes the newsletter.

Activities Coordinator: Darlene Powell - Coordinates the special interest groups.  Helps new members join groups and coordinates new games and activities for club members.

Special Events: Elizabeth Pollitt - Organizes our special events (Spring Fling and Christmas Gala).

Facebook Page Coordinator:  Carolyn North - Contact her to join our "Gulf Coast Friends" Facebook page. Creates posts, approves requests and approves posts.

GCF Web Page:  Pam Davey - Updates our web page and responds to inquiries.